SCRIPTURE ALONE -JAMES WHITE. Exploring the Bible’s accuracy. Authority and authenticity. A denial of the sufficiency of Scripture is at the core of almost every form of opposition to the Christian faith today. Scripture Alone is written to instill a passionate love for and understanding of the Bible. In this defense of God's inspired Word, readers will comprehend what "God's Word"is, the nature of Scripture, the relationship of the Bible to tradition, how to apply Scripture to today's issues, and much more. Included is a faith-inspiring study of the canon--what it is and where it came from. 224 pages. 12€
THE SCRIPTURE PRINCIPLE : RECLAIMING THE FULL AUTHORITY OF THE BIBLE -CLARK PINNOCK, BARRY CALLEN (BAKER ACADEMIC 2006). This balanced approach to understanding the inspiration and authority of the Bible presents a "middle" position on biblical inerrancy that steers clear of pitfalls common to both ends of the spectrum. The authors defend the full authority and trustworthiness of the Bible against those who limit or dismiss its authority, yet they also reject the oversimplifications and false dichotomies found in fundamentalist appeals to verbal inerrancy in defense of the Bible's authority. They consider the whole doctrine of Scripture, including divine authority, human character, and spiritual dynamic, to resolve the biblical authority debate and provide the searching believer a discerning, functional trust in the Bible's relevance to everyday life. First published over twenty years ago--but all the more relevant for today's context--The Scripture Principle has now been revised to speak with new clarity on this perennial issue. 17X 24 cm. 288 pages. 20,00€
THE GENESIS QUESTION: SCIENTIFIC ADVANCES AND THE ACCURACY OF GENESIS – HUGH ROSS (NAVPRESS 1998). RECONCILING THE NEWEST SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE WITH GENESIS 1-11. "Everyone knows the Bible teaches scientific nonsense" is a commonly held misconception. When pushed for examples, many point to the early chapters of Genesis as proof-creation, the flood, 800-year life spans. And science has largely been silent on the subject-until now. Examining recent, leading-edge scientific discoveries, Dr. Hugh Ross explores how these very chapters hold some of the strongest scientific evidence for the Bible's supernatural accuracy. Like never before, The Genesis Question integrates the accuracy of both science and the Bible-without compromise-giving skeptics and believers common ground and opportunity for dialog. According to recent surveys conducted by Reasons to Believe, the perceived improbability of Genesis 1-11 is what keeps 90 percent of people from believing in the accuracy of the Bible. Complete and up-to-date, The Genesis Question uses scientific data to provide readers with solid answers to their questions regarding scientific advances and the accuracy of Genesis. If you want to understand how the discoveries of science and the truth of the Bible relate, The Genesis Question offers a cutting-edge approach to integrate science and theology in such a way that neither is compromised. HARDBACK. 17×24 cm. 237 pages. 20,00€
Watchman Fellowship Profile Notebook 2003. An apologetic tool to aid Christians in defending the faith critiquing cults, the new age movement,the Occult and New Religions movements from Evangelical christian perspective. Arlington, Texas based counter cult educational and evangelistic ministry, Watchman Fellowship, provides this custom notebook which contains every Profile published by Watchman Fellowship bimonthly since 1993-2003! These Profiles are 4-page briefings on new religious movements, the occult, cults, New Age spirituality, and related doctrines and practices. 305 pages. 10€
EMBRACE THE CROSS -A CALL TO RADICAL REFORMATION -CHIP BROGDEN. Embrace the Cross was written specifically to call people to radical faith in Jesus and Christ-centered discipleship. This book contains nearly everything Chip has ever written about the Cross, discipleship, and following Jesus – plus some things never before published. Every chapter compels the reader to consider what being a real disciple of Jesus is all about. The goal of this book is to challenge, confront, convict, and convince both saints and sinners alike to embrace the Cross! 196 pages. 19,50€
THE LAST REFORMATION -THE PIONEER SCHOOL- 5 BOOKS- TORBEN SONDERGAARD. Transcripts from the online Bible School teaching, miracles, healing, descipleship. BOOK BLOCK 1. INTRODUCTION. Lesson - one: Come out of the Box. Lesson - two: Religion or Jesus. Lesson – three: The Book of Acts. Lesson – four: Knowledge or obedience. BOOK BLOCK 2. HEALING AND PREACHING. Lesson – five: Preaching and healing. Lesson – six: Kick-start your Christian life. Lesson – seven: Repent and be baptised. Lesson – eight: How to share the gospel. BOOK BLOCK 3. SALVATION. Lesson – nine: Saints or sinners. Lesson – ten: Be baptised for the remission of sins. Lesson – eleven: Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Lesson – twelve: Led by the Holy Spirit. BOOK BLOCK 4. KNOWING GOD. Lesson – thirteen: When you fast. Lesson – fourteen: Is God Holy or loving or both. Lesson – fifteen:. New and old covenant. Lesson – sixteen: Free from the law. BOOK BLOCK 5. BEARING FRUIT. Lesson – seventeen: Reformation of the church system. Lesson – eighteen: Jesus vision for the church. Lesson – nineteen: Now is the time to do it. Lesson – twenty: The Reformation has begun. Total 711 pages. Cost of printing only. Each volume 3,50 euros. Total set 5 books 17,50 euros
SOUND DOCTRINE -TORBEN SONDERGAARD. Teaching that leads to the true fear of the Lord. According to the Bible, sound doctrine creates true fear of the Lord. If this fear of the Lord is missing in our churches, as it seems to be, it must be a sign that we do not preach the true Word of God and sound doctrine. Teaching sound doctrine should cause us to see a need to surrender everything to God and to live in the light. There is no darkness, no sin, when we are walking in the light ( 1 John 1:7). True godliness and holiness is required to walk with God. In this prophetic word to the Church, Torben brings us back to the Bible where sound doctrine is found, including how to address sin in the church and in the individual. Has the church been teaching sound doctrine? Has it become soft on sin? Can the church expect its prayers to be answered if there is sin in the camp? Is the church accursed because it has allowed sin to thrive unchallenged? Can a person truly be born again and continue in conscious sin? Have we been teaching a grace that tramples the blood of Jesus? These are serious questions that must be addressed if we expect God to hear our prayers. His word to the church: REPENT! 100 pages. 12€
THE ETERNAL PURPOSE OF GOD: SALVATION IS NOT THE END, BUT JUST THE BEGINNING -LANCE LAMBERT (SOVEREIGN WORLD 2008). There is no truth that is of greater importance than this matter of God's Eternal Purpose. Once you begin to understand God's ultimate aim in time, and for the ages to come, life becomes more meaningful and significant. Why did God create this universe and this earth, which at our present extent of knowledge is unique? What was His aim and goal in its creation? Why did He create mankind? And when man fell short of His glory through sin, why did He persevere and provide salvation? Is that salvation an end in itself, or is it a means to an end, with everything provided within it to reach the final goal? And how can I be involved in the fulfillment of that purpose? Answering these very questions, this passionate book will point you to a fresh and exciting understanding of what it truly means to be a Christian. It helps answer the ultimate question: What is the meaning of life? 208 pages. 13,00€
FROM ETERNITY TO HERE : REDISCOVERING THE AGELESS PURPOSE OF GOD -FRANK VIOLA (DAVID COOK 2009). Discover the sweeping story of God's eternal plan. Deep within God's Word lies a wondrous story like no other. A drama that unfolded before time began. An epic saga that resonates with the heartbeat of God. A story that reveals nothing less than the meaning of life and God's great mission in the earth. From Here to Eternity presents three remarkable stories spanning from Genesis to Revelation. Each story traces a divine theme that is woven throughout scripture. Seen together, they offer an extraordinary glimpse into God's highest passion and grand mission. What you discover will forever change your view of life, the church, and our magnificent God. 317 pages. 15,00€
REVIVE THY WORK -WATCHMAN NEE (CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP PUBLISHERS 1996). A collection of messages given in 1948. The topics covered are: The War of Recovery, The History of Recovery, The Recovery of Body Life, The Recovery of Body Ministry, Deliverence from Mammon, and New Testament Ministry. 255 pages. 10,00€
- Search and Rescue: An Urgent Call to Make and Multiply Disciples -NEIL COLE. Christians today are on a rescue mission. Each of us is called to get involved in God's plan to make disciples. A former California lifeguard, Neil Cole weaves together his personal experiences of saving lives with biblical principles for how to make and multiply disciples. Cole shows how to create Life Transformation Groups that can help a Christian grow in a safe and transparent relationship with one or two other spiritual pilgrims. Full of heroic and even humorous stories, Search and Rescue captures readers' imaginations and hearts and doesn't let go until they want to make a difference and know how to go about doing it. HARDCOVER. 240 pages. 18,00€ /15,00€
- Organic Church: Growing Faith Where Life Happens -NEIL COLE. Churches have tried all kinds of ways to attract new and younger members - revised vision statements, hipper worship, contemporary music, livelier sermons, bigger and better auditoriums. But there are still so many people who aren't being reached, who don't want to come to church. And the truth is that attendance at church on Sundays does not necessarily transform lives; God's presence in our hearts is what changes us. Leaders and laypeople everywhere are realizing that they need new and more powerful ways to help them spread God's Word.According to international church starter and pastor Neil Cole, if we want to connect with young people and those who are not coming to church, we must go where people congregate. Cole shows readers how to plant the seeds of the Kingdom of God in the places where life happens and where culture is formed - restaurants, bars, coffeehouses, parks, locker rooms,and neighborhoods. "Organic Church" offers a hands-on guide for demystifying this new model of church and shows the practical aspects of implementing it. HARDCOVER. 240 pages. 21,00€/ 15,00€
- Revise Us Again : Living from a Renewed Christian Script -FRANK VIOLA. Every person follows a script for living, a life guide that directs our behavior and shapes our choices. As believers, we find the original script for living woven throughout the Bible. Yet while the Christian message is simple, it can become complicated by our environment, our culture, and our religious ideas and traditions. For this reason, we are all in constant need of revising the scripts by which we live.Author Frank Viola believes we need to revisit and revise what it means to live the Christian life. Drawing from his rich background in ministry, Viola examines ten key areas that impact every believer and explores fresh ways to revise them. Conversational, insightful, and practical, "Revise Us Again" encourages us to examine those religious habits that we unconsciously pick up from others and rescript them with new habits that line up with our new nature in Christ. used as new. 176 pages. 16,00€ /8,00€
- The Priesthood of All Believers: 1st Century Church Life in the 21st Century -MILT RODRIGUEZ. Out of print. Available 1 copy. 146 pages. 14€
- THE MYSTERY OF GOD -CHRIST ALL AND IN ALL -MILT RODRIGUEZ. See the Wonder and Glory of God’s Eternal Purpose! 190 pages. 13€
- THE COAT OF MANY COLORS -MILT RODRIGUEZ. A story as seen from the eternals. The eternal purpose of God beautifully described by using the Old Testament story of Joseph’s coat of many colors. 64 pages. 7€
- The Temple Within: Fellowship with an Indwelling Christ -MILT RODRIGUEZ. Today’s Christianity has some serious weaknesses, but none greater than our lack of depth in knowing Christ Himself. We know many things; doctrines, teachings, and theological systems abound! 180 pages. 13€
- The Butterfly in You: Discovering Your True Identity in Christ -MILT RODRIGUEZ. 142 pages. 13€
- The Community Life of God: Seeing the Godhead As the Model for All Relationships -MILT RODRIGUEZ. The headwaters for all church life and form is the community life of the Father, Son, and Spirit. This is both theological and practical. The corporate life that God lives by (eternal life) is the same life that He gives to us. This is a life of loving one another and Jesus said that it comes from heaven (see John 17). This community life is both the engine and the fuel for our lives together as believers. 202 pages. 13€
- Return to the Wild -MARY RODRIGUEZ. An Allegory of the Journey from Institutional to Organic Church Life. The question that is begging to be asked is; how do we learn to live by the same life that those people lived by in the record of the New Testament? The question is not, what did they do so we can copy it? But rather, how did they live? We are all accustomed to performance based religion and yet changing what we do will never bring about true body life. The rabbit hole goes much deeper than that. 105 pages. 9€
- New Day -MILT RODRIGUEZ. The New Humanity lives in the New Creation by means of the New Covenant. New Day is a book about the newness of our Christ. His new creation, new humanity, new covenant, new commandment, new law, new wineskin, new Jerusalem, and much more are explored and discovered in a new and fresh way. The narrative reads as a letter from Jesus Christ to us sharing all that He is and all that He has accomplished. This first person style makes the text come alive, is more personal, and more impacting than the standard teaching style. It is written as a letter from the Lord Jesus to you individually and corporately. 170 pages. 13€
- The Gathering -MILT RODRIGUEZ. A novel by Milt and Mary Rodriguez. Our story follows the journey of ten of these heretics who dare to place Christ and His church at the center of their lives. God calls these out of different situations and organizations by the use of dreams. He is using these dreams and their interaction with one another to transform their lives. This journey becomes very dangerous as they must elude the powerful U.C.M. to arrive at the goal of their dreams…The Gathering. 494 pages. 17€
RIVERS OF EVIDENCE : THE SPIRIT AND YOU -ROXANNE BRANT (1983). This book will help you to have a much closer walk in the Lord. 64 pages. 1,00€
The Hour That Changes the World (A Practical Plan for Personal Prayer) -DICK EASTMAN.The Hour That Changes the World, first published by Baker in 1978, is a classic book on prayer that offers practical suggestions on how readers can revitalize their prayer lives. Dick Eastman challenges Christians to spend one hour each day in prayer, and he outlines a twelve-step prayer program to help them accomplish the task. By dividing one hour into twelve five-minute "points of focus," such as praise, waiting, confession, and Scripture praying, believers will develop a more consistent habit of daily prayer. The Hour That Changes the World draws heavily on Scripture and classic devotional writers and includes an appendix titled "Scriptural Intercession." This 25th anniversary edition features a new introduction by Eastman and a new foreword by Joni Eareckson Tada, in which she writes: "The Hour That Changes the World may appear small and modest, but don't let its size fool you. Full of biblical insights about prayer, packed with testimonies of prayer warriors from years past, brimming with practical suggestions that will help you carve out a purposeful time of praise and intercession, Dick Eastman's book is arguably the most significant book on prayer written in modern times". 174 pages. 1,00€
SON OF HAMAS: A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Unthinkable Choices -Mosab Hassan Yousef. HARDCOVER. 267 pages. 25,00 /10,00€ (60%)
100 QUESTIONS THAT NON-MEMBERS ASK ABOUT UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISM -JOHN SIAS, STEVE EDINGTON (TRANSITION PUBLISHING 2000). Unitarian Universalist beliefs, customs, history, statistics and more in a handy format for newcomers, or anyone interested in the Unitarian Universalism faith. Author based the information on questions heard from outsiders and from present and former church members and ministers. Size 17x 24 cm. 46 pages. 7,00€
Great revivals: Gods men and their message -COLIN WHITTAKER (MARSHALLS 1984). Colin Whittaker examines the exciting phenomenon of revival throughout history and across the world, including Britain, America, Latin America, Africa, Korea, China and Indonesia. Through it all he sees a common thread of faithful prayer, believers who walk closely with God and seek his kingdom first, and the sovereign work of the Holy Spirit. USED. 192 pages. 1,00€
Love, Sex, and Happily Ever After -Craig Groeschel (MULTNOMAH 2007). Preparing for a Marriage That Goes the Distance. What do you do if you want a marriage that doesn’t just survive, but thrives? That doesn’t just begin romantically but ends magnificently? Answer: You do something different.
You’ve seen marriages fail time and again. Even relationships you thought were bulletproof don’t last–or maybe worse—fade away to a cold, gray lovelessness. It’s no wonder that for today’s generation, “getting what you want” is often a substitute for love, and disillusionment about marriage is the new normal.
But you can have a long-term, love-blessed marriage. Whether you’re still considering it, are about to be wed, or have been married for a while and want to make changes, Love, Sex & Happily Ever After delivers an infusion of hope. Author Craig Groeschel clearly and honestly lays out the choices and commitments you can make nowto change the way you think and act—to build the relationship you want for the rest of your life. With an invigorating mix of personal story, practical guidance and biblical truth, Craig invites you into a candid conversation about first dates, sex, communication, integrity, forgiveness, and commitment. Along the way, he shows how you can build a soul-enriching, God-honoring relationship with the one you love…and believe together again in your very own “happily ever after.” 240 pages. 15,00/ 5,00€ (66%)
THE BIBLE: DIG A LITTLE DEEPER – GEOFF BENNETT (SOVEREIGN WORLD). The purpose of this book is to try and make some sense of what God has said by looking at ways of interpreting and understanding God’s Word. This is not a technical book, but rather a general help to ordinary people to improve their understanding of the Bible and to make studying it a more fruitful exercise. 128 pages. 1,00€
The Facts on UFOs & Other Supernatural Phenomena -JOHN ANKENBERG & JOHN WELDON (HARVEST HOUSE 1992). This book alerts readers to the evil behind the seemingly harmless fascination with UFOs and other supernatural phenomena. Answers to the most asked questions. This book is packed with valuable information on the UFO phenomena and also directs us to other reading material by credible authors who speak through personal experience and others who have studied and treated extensively on this subject. 48 pages. 1,00€
ALIEN INTRUSION -UFOs AND THE EVOLUTION CONNECTION -GARY BATES (MASTER BOOKS 2006). When actor Richard Dreyfus gazed up into the heavens during the hit film, Close Encounters of the Third Kind audiences looked with him, in rapt attention. Alien encounters cropped up like, well, crop circles. More films were released. Books detailed alleged abductions. NASA funded SETI, an effort to make contact with civilizations from other worlds. But is all this valid? Are there really alien civilizations in our vast universe? In Alien Intrusion, Gary Bates gives a thorough treatment of this fascinating subject. What is behind the numerous sightings from around the world? Does the U.S. Government have evidence of alien craft? Can we hope to make contact in our lifetime? The author comes from an unapologetic Christian perspective, but lets the facts speak for themselves. His expertise on the subject and ability to 'cover the bases' has earned widespread respect - even from many in the 'UFOlogy community' who may be uncomfortable with the startling conclusions to which he inevitable leads the reader. This was especially evident during an amazing three-hour interview with George Noory on Coast to Coast. This invaluable book will help Christians understand the issues, and be able to intelligently answer questions and engage in dialogue with a culture sure were are being watched from space. Heavily illustrated with photographs and drawings - an amazingly comprehensive 'cutting-edge' look at the UFO abduction phenomena. 384 pages. 20,00 / 10,00€ (50%)
Transformed by Truth- Joseph Tkach (MULTNOMAH). The Worldwide Church of God rejects the teachings of founder Herbert W. Armstrong and embraces historic Christianity. This is the inside story. In this fast-paced narrative, Joseph Tkach, son of Armstrong’s handpicked successor and head of the church, tells this remarkable account of the transforming power of the Gospel. Hardcover. 220 pages. 20 / 14,00€ (30%)
THE CANON DEBATE : ON THE ORIGINS AND FORMATION OF THE BIBLE- LEE MARTIN, MCDONALD, JAMES SANDERS editors (HENDRICKSON). What does it mean to speak of a canon of scripture? How, when, and where, did the canon of the Hebrew Bible come into existence? Why does it have three divisions? What canon was in use among the Jews of the Hellenistic diaspora? At Qumran? In Roman Palestine? Among the rabbis? What Bible did Jesus and his disciples know and use? How was the New Testament canon formed and closed? What role was played by Marcion? By gnostics? By the church fathers? What did the early church make of the apocrypha and pseudepigrapha? By what criteria have questions of canonicity been decided? Are these past decisions still meaningful faith communities today? Are they open to revision? These and other debated questions are addressed by an international roster of outstanding experts on early Judaism and early Christianity, writing from diverse affiliations and perspectives, who present the history of discussion and offer their own assessments of the current status. Contributors: William Adler, Peter Balla, John Barton, Joseph Blenkinsopp, François Bovon, Kent D. Clarke, Philip R. Davies, James D. G. Dunn, Eldon Jay Epp, Craig A. Evans, William R. Farmer, Everett Ferguson, Robert W. Funk, Harry Y. Gamble, Geoffrey M. Hahneman, Daniel J. Harrington, Everett R. Kalin, Robert A. Kraft, Jack P. Lewis, Jack N. Lightstone, Steve Mason, Lee M. McDonald, Pheme Perkins, James A. Sanders, Daryl D. Schmidt, Albert C. Sundberg Jr., Emanuel Tov, Julio Trebolle-Barrera, Eugene Ulrich, James C. VanderKam, Robert W. Wall. Hardcover. 662 pages. 100 / 40,00€ (60%)
Our Fathers Who Aren’t in Heaven -The Forgotten Christianity of Jesus the Jew- Anthony Buzzard (second edition 1999). There is an impressive consensus among New Testament scholars that the Kingdom of God was the principal theme of all that Jesus taught. The Gospel about the Kingdom of God is actually the New Testament name for the Christian Message of salvation. Yet today we hear little or nothing in public evangelism about the Gospel of the Kingdom. Jesus has been divorced from his own Gospel. 394 pages. 25,00 / 10,00€ (60%)
God’s Abundant Life- How to experience and nurture it -Henry Scougal & Robert Leighton (GRACE PUBLICATIONS 2003). The Lord Jesus spoke of his mission as to bring life in abundance to all who trust in him (John 10:10). In his classic book, Henry Scougal fastens attention on eternal life as its essential theme. It is the life of God in the soul of man. God's Abundant Life consists of two abridged works that are encouragements to godly living: The first book is Henry Scougal's 'The Life Of God In The Soul Of Man' and the latter Robert Leighton's 'Rules And Instructions For A Holy Life'.112 pages. 17,00 / 1,00€
Now That You’ve Been Baptized in the Spirit -Donald Gee (Gospel Publishing House 1978). The test of a man's soul is when he is alone with God. Questions we must need and perhaps fear the answers to:
- Have some who thought they had the baptism really had it after all?
- What is the real Baptism? How will know it?
- What is the sanctification? Whom has God chosen and why?
- What is the true significance of speaking in tongues?
- What is the prayer and how can I truly make it a fulfilling part of my life?
- How can I plan my life?
- We know of Jesus' special temptations in the wilderness, but how do we handle the wilderness in our own lives?
A great Christian open the doors to triumphant living in this extraordinary work. This living testament of the world-famous late Donald Gee will refresh and inspire a new generation of seekers after God's truth and salvation. 175 pages. 30/ 6,00€ (80%)
DELIVERANCE FROM FEAR AND FROM SICKNESS -ORAL ROBERTS (1954). Used in very good condition. 94 pages. 1,00€
The God Makers: A Shocking Expose of What the Mormon Church Really Believes- ED DECKER / DAVE HUNT (HARVEST HOUSE). Mormons claim to follow the same God and the same Jesus as Christians. They also state that their gospel comes from the Bible. But are they telling the truth? The God Makers, one of the most powerful books to penetrate the veil of secrecy surrounding the rituals and doctrines of the Mormon Church, reveals the inner workings and beliefs of Mormonism. Through personal interviews and well-documented evidence, you discover the true nature of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its hidden worldwide agenda. 295 pages. 25,00 / 10,00€ (60%)
Is the Mormon My Brother?: Discerning the Differences Between Mormonism and Christianity -JAMES WHITE (BETHANY HOUSE). 256 pages. 25,00 / 10,00€ (60%)
The Facts on the Mormon Church -JOHN ANKERBERG / JOHN WELDON (HARVEST HOUSE). 48 pages. 8,00 / 1,00€
Reaching Muslims for Christ -WILLIAM SAAL (MOODY). A treasury of facts, analysis, and examples gleaned from men and women who witness to Muslims. You'll gain new insights into the Koran, identify basic Muslim beliefs, and learn how to listen and respond to your Muslim friend in a way that is most likely to lead him or her to Christ. 224 pages. 25,00 / 5,00€
LIE OF THE TITHE -SIMPLE TRUTH. 252 pages. 1,00€
- CHRISTMAS RECONSIDERED -RALPH WOODROW. A balanced and healthy consideration of Christmas–neither debunking Christmas as “pagan and un-Christian” nor encouraging an over-emphasis of the materialistic or secularization of the holiday.62 pages. 5,00€
- Three Days And Three Nights Reconsidered in Light of Scriptures -Ralph Woodrow (1993). This book explains why the author could no longer in good conscience hold the Wednesday/Saturday view concerning Christ’s burial and resurrection. 56 pages. 5,00€
- GREAT PROPHECIES OF THE BIBLE – RALPH WOODROW. The Second Coming, 24th chapter of Matthew, The 7 weeks of the Antichrist. 186 pages. 10€.
- DEALING WITH DEMONS – RALPH WOODROW. Total victory in Christ. 0916938107. 60 pages. 5€
The New Dare to Discipline -DR. JAMES DOBSON. Why are boundaries so important? Do children really want limits set on their behavior? Is it okay to spank my child, or will it lead him to hit others and become a violent person? Join the millions of caring parents who have found much-needed answers to their questions in the wisdom of parenting expert and family counselor Dr. James Dobson. The New Dare to Discipline is a revised and updated edition of the classic bestseller, designed to help you lead your children through the tough job of growing up. This practical, reassuring guide will teach you how to meet your childrens needs of love, trust, affectionand discipline. 276 pages. 15,00 / 1,00€
Animals In Danger -The 1974 Childcraft Annual -Field Enterprises Educational Corporation. Contents: Vanished Animals of Long Age, Vanished Animals Today, Why is Happening?, Helping Animals in Danger, Animals we have saved, Endangered Animals. Hardcover. Size 17x 24 cm. 304 pages. Illustration color. Children book. 1,00€
Your Baby Can Swim – BONNIE PRUDDEN. 158 pages. 1,00€
How to Teach your Baby to Read -GLENN DOMAN. 170 pages. 1,00€
How to Raise a Brighter Child: Case for Early Learning -JOAN BECK (COLLINS 1967). 284 pages. 1,00€
ANCIENT EMPIRES (MILESTONES OF HISTORY) -READER'S DIGEST 1973. Traces milestones in history from the emergence of Egypt around 3000 B.C. up to the scattering of the Jews in 70 A.D. size 23x29,5 cm. 160 pages. 5,00€
Do Greater Things: Activating the Kingdom to Heal the Sick and Love the Lost -ROBBY DAWKINS (CHOSEN 2018). How to Heal the Sick, Cast Out Demons, Raise the Dead and More! 240 pages. 13,50€
Quest For the Radical Middle: The History of the Vineyard -BILL JACKSON (VINEYARD 1999). 411 pages. 16€
MARRIAGE COUNSELING -H.NORMAN WRIGHT (REGAL 1995). A Practical guide for pastors and counselors.Solid, practical, biblical steps that will help you develop a highly effective, focused and solution-driven approach to marriage counseling. Recommended by Dr. James Dobson. Hardback. 336 pages. 50/ 10€
How It Was with Dooms is a children's book dictated to Carol Cawthra Hopcraft by her young son Xan Hopcraft. It tells the true story of the young boy's friendship with an orphaned cheetah on the family's game ranch in Kenya. Carol Hopcraft, a wildlife photographer, provided photographs for the book, while her son provided illustrations. 66 pages. 20,00/ 14,00 € (30%)
2) How to Care for Aging Parents, 3rd Edition: A One-Stop Resource for All Your Medical, Financial, Housing, and Emotional Issues -Virginia Morris. The book that answers all the questions you hoped you’d never have to ask. Now completely revised and updated, this compassionate, comprehensive caregiver’s bible tackles all the touch subjects, from how to avoid becoming your parent’s “parent,” to understanding what happens to the body in old age, to getting help finding, and paying for, a nursing home. When love is not enough—and regrettably, it never is—this is the essential guide. 672 σελ. ΕΛΑΦΡΑ ΜΕΤΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΜΕΝΟ σε άριστη κατάσταση. 15€
4) The Caregiver's Guide to Dementia: Practical Advice for Caring for Yourself and Your Loved One -GAIL WEATHERILL. When caring for someone with dementia, your own mental stability can be the single most critical factor in your loved one’s quality of life. The Caregiver's Guide to Dementia brings practical and comprehensive guidance to understanding the illness, caring for someone, and caring for yourself. From understanding common behavioral and mood changes to making financial decisions, this book contains bulleted lists of actions you can take to improve your health and your caregiving. Inspirational and compassionate, it focuses on the caregiver’s underlying love and humanity that cannot be taken away by any disease. 172 σελ. ΚΑΙΝΟΥΡΓΙΟ ΑΝΤΙΤΥΠΟ. 19€
ΟΛΑ ΜΑΖΙ ΑΝΤΙ 68 στα 57€ (τιμή κόστους)
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